UCR- Stan Lim- Insect Fair

UCR/CISR Facilities


Where the Research Happens



UCR Department of Entomology

For over 100 years, the UCR Department of Entomology has played a vital part in California's agriculture by protecting its vital crops from invasive species. Originally focusing on California's booming citrus crops in the early 1900's, the department has now expanded to training students from around the world while continuing in long history of invasive species research.

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UCR Insectary and Quarantine Facility

The Insectary and Quarantine provides a restrictive environment for potentially invasive species that are currently under scientific research. The $15 million dollar building offers two receiving rooms, six research laboratories, 12 greenhouses, 64 rearing rooms and provides a three stage level of quarantine. Each room is equipped with state of the art temperature, humidity, and light controls providing the perfect artificial environment for study. The insectary and quarantine is one of only four insectaries west of the Rocky Mountains.

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The Entomology Research Museum

In 1994 a new building for UCR's large collection of insects and related arthropods was dedicated with an official name -- the Entomology Research Museum. The lower of two floors in the building houses the collection and provides offices, space for curating and research, and areas for visiting scientists as well as students. There is a preparations room, a small library/lab room, and a large room for teaching, special seminars, and other events sponsored by the Department of Entomology.

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UCR Conservation Biology

The mission of the Center for Conservation Biology (CCB) at UC Riverside is to assist in the conservation and restoration of species and ecosystems by facilitating the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of scientific information. The CCB proactively identifies new research priorities in conservation biology and inaugurates new collaborative research programs. It also develops research programs in response to existing needs in conservation biology.

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UCR Plant Pathology

The Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Riverside is committed to conducting research on the basic biology of plant pathogens; developing methods for the management of plant diseases; providing a quality education to its students; and, providing expert advice on plant diseases to the citizens of California and the world.

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UCR Biology Department

The Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology conducts research, teaching, and service in many areas of the life sciences, including animal behavior, behavioral endocrinology, bioinformatics, cell biology, conservation biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, molecular biology, physiology, population biology, and systematics.

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UCR Department of Nematology

The UCR Department of Nematology assists in developing enviromentally sound nematode management practices including resistance, cultural practices and biological and chemical control. The faculty interacts across departments and programs to provide an abundance of opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral training.

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